Children & Youth Ministry

We consider it an honor to partner with families as you seek to pass the Christian tradition on to your children!

Nursery care is available most Sunday during worship for children up to age 4.


During the school year, BCC offers weekly Faith Formation classes for children ages 4 through grade 5. Caring adult volunteers lead kids in age appropriate songs, games, activities, and discussions, centered around Bible stories and themes.


Seasonal activities including Trunk-or-Treat, an Easter Egg Hunt, a Summer Day Camp, and an annual Christmas Pageant allow families to build friendships and serve our surrounding community.


Youth in 6th - 12th grades gather after worship on Sunday mornings at 11:15am during the school year for in-depth conversations, games, and a much-needed safe space. On the 3rd Sunday of each month, youth join together with other affirming, progressive church youth groups from around the city from 6-8pm for Belong Youth Collective, or BeYou! Lifelong memories and lasting friendships are formed at weekend retreats and weeklong summer camps at LaForet. 


Elizabeth Brahler (she/her/hers)
Faith Formation Coordinator
719-473-1807 x 113, office